Monday, November 8, 2010

Animal Party Games for the Kids

Animal party games can get a little out of hand if you are having the party inside, so make sure to move outside when taking part in these two suggested games!

'Nose Ball' is a fun race that all the kids will really get into. Everyone in the race pretends to be an animal of their choice and the must push a ping pong ball to the finish line with their nose. Why? Because as animal they can't use their hands!

You'll need enough ping pong balls for each of the races are a party animal and you need to set a starting line and finish line tape, string or a chalk line. Guests can have some 'problems in a straight line with ball nose in the room so that all can be quite far from each one. Do not forget to take lots of photos with your camera.

"Farm Frolic" is a game that adults can party animal to rest. If the parties are divided into groups of three or four.Each group must pick their own animal to pretend to be and the adult in the group gets to be the team leader. Before the party started you should have hidden a variety of special objects around the house and made a list of them. Make copies of this list so you can give one to each group.

Next have the team leaders sit in the animal party area while the groups of animals go off on their search. When an 'animal' has found one of the objects they must make the sound that their chosen animal makes, for example, if the chosen animal is a cow then the team player must moo. They do this until their team leader gets up and goes to retrieve the object from the player. The player cannot bring the object to the team leader; the team leader must go to the player, get the object and return to the couch. At the end of the hunt the team with the most objects wins. Hint: if you make the objects toys, games or candy then everyone wins at the

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